A new achievement for the national industry was achieved at the SEMAF Factory

Major General., Engineer Mokhtar Abdel Latif, Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, witnessed the ceremony of completion and manufacturing of (10) air-conditioned metro trains, with a total of (80) metro cars, produced by the AOI’s “SEMAF” railway equipment factory, in cooperation with the Korean company Hyundai Rotem. Southern, in the presence of Major General Engineer Abdel Rahman Abdel Azim Othman, General Director of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, Major General Engineer Ahmed Shaker, Chairman of SEMAF Factory, and senior officials of both the National Tunnels Authority and the Korean Hyundai Rotem Company.

This event comes within the framework of implementing the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on the importance of establishing an advanced technological industrial base, in accordance with Egypt’s vision for sustainable development 2030.


In this regard, Major General. Engineer Mokhtar Abdel Latif expressed his appreciation and pride in the serious and continuous cooperation with the Korean Hyundai Rotem Company, praising its distinguished technical expertise in the field of manufacturing subway cars, noting that today we celebrate the completion and manufacture of (10) metro trains. Air-conditioned tunnels with a total of (80) metro cars at the SEMAF factory by Egyptian engineers, technicians and workers.

He stated that, within the framework of achieving the demands of the National Tunneling Authority, one of the most important arms of the Ministry of Transport, manufacturing was completed according to the time plan, by taking advantage of the latest machines and equipment present in the SEMAF factory after development.

He explained that the advanced manufacturing capabilities of the SEMAF factory of the Arab Organization for Industrialization were a strong incentive for joint cooperation with the Korean company Hyundai Rotem in manufacturing subway cars from the first line of the subway to the third line of the metro.

Regarding this stage of cooperation, he pointed out that the SEMAF factory succeeded in increasing the rates of local manufacturing and localizing the latest manufacturing technologies for subway cars, in accordance with the latest standards of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


He pointed out the importance of localizing and transferring technology and maximizing the local component of the transportation industry in Egypt to support the railway system, the metro, and smart means of transportation, because of its positive impact on the Egyptian economy and reducing imports, noting that the Arab Organization for Industrialization is keen to establish fruitful strategic partnerships, and looks forward to enhancing cooperation. With the Hyundai Rotem Company, to maximize the benefit of Korean expertise in manufacturing subway trains, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Transport, and with a civilized appearance that is consistent with the goals of the new republic.

 For his part, Mr. GUN  Hee Chung , Regional Director of the Korean Hyundai Rotem Company, expressed his pride in cooperating with the Arab Organization for Industrialization, pointing to its excellence in completing all areas of cooperation with the required efficiency, the highest levels of quality, speed in implementation and delivery at the specified times, as well as after-sales service. .


He added that we look forward to continuing joint cooperation in advanced manufacturing fields by taking advantage of the advanced manufacturing capabilities and skilled human competencies at the SEMAF factory, noting that the Korean Hyundai Rotem company has strict quality requirements, which are available in the SEMAF factory of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, and in accordance with international quality standards.